
Today was our last day in Boquete. We spent the morning cleaning Bella’s beautiful house and got the opportunity to visit possible schools that will be helped in the future. While waiting for the bus to take us to the schools, we all got to chill a little bit and finish our cleaning and packing. As soon as the bus arrived at the house, we all headed to our first school. After talking to teachers, principals, and even teaching a few classes on the spot, we discovered that two of the three schools were in need of help. The school visits were great opportunities to continue and help with the growth of HECHO Project. Next we went back to the house and finished our last couple things before hopping on a public bus to our house (the school). The bus was filled with stray puppies being sold (they smelled awful), rain coming in from the windows, and even some of our friends that go to the school we teach at. We got back in time for dinner and had a good first night back to start our last week in Panama. (we also found out that the soccer team got second in their tournament).