Today is Tuesday and we woke up to the best breakfast from Fina— hojadres with nutella. Then we got ready and walked to the school for our second day of teaching! I taught 1st grade with Cami and the kids were so so good! They were trying really hard to do their english work and they were doing a great job. Leonel, Katerine, and Yohan especially stood out and they were adorable showing us their work because they knew they did it right. Then Charlotte and I taught 4th grade and they remembered everything from the day before! We worked on pronouns and greetings and they even use them outside of class now. After school we went back to Fina’s house for a yummy lunch and took a walk to the tienda for a cold coke. I love our walks to the store because we always pass by friends who join us. Then we went back to the school to play soccer and make bracelets with some kids. After we played for awhile, Juan Carlos took us to a new part of the Rio! It was a “short” hike up and down plenty of hills but the view and the deep water was so worth it! We got our showers there and then headed home for a big dinner with friends and family from across the street. After dinner we had the usual friends come talk and hangout until bed time. Then we had devotion and got ready for bed. I am SO excited for the easter egg hunt tomorrow! The kids are going to be so happy:)